Governor Alckmin delivers works on SP-261

Investment for the completion of the services was R$ 53.2 million Governor Geraldo Alckmin visited last Saturday (19) the municipality of Pederneiras for the inauguration of improvement and modernization works on the road Osni Mateus (SP-261). “We delivered a major work from Lençóis Paulista through Macatuba to Pederneiras. An important investment, more than R$ 50 […]

Works in the contour of Jaú begin

Yesterday, expanding and recovering work began in the contour of Jaú, between kilometers 177.4 and 185.5, on the road Antônio Prado Galvão de Barros (SP-225). The highway will gain one kilometer of new marginal roads, with 500 meters on each side. In addition, the 13 kilometers of the existing marginal will be recovered and interconnected […]