Governor Alckmin delivers works on SP-261


Investment for the completion of the services was R$ 53.2 million

Governor Geraldo Alckmin visited last Saturday (19) the municipality of Pederneiras for the inauguration of improvement and modernization works on the road Osni Mateus (SP-261).

“We delivered a major work from Lençóis Paulista through Macatuba to Pederneiras. An important investment, more than R$ 50 million for resurfacing, shouldering, and safety work to reduce accidents and provide more security to the municipality. We have a goal of recovering the entire State road network”, said the governor.

The investment was R$ 53.2 million for the execution of the works performed by the Roadway Department (DER), an agency linked to the Logistics and Transport Department (SLT).

Works to resurface the road, pave the shoulders, and improve drainage and signage between the municipalities of Lençóis Paulista, Macatuba, and Pederneiras, between km 106.4 and km 146.8.

The services were performed between May 2012 and August 2013 by the company Jaupavi Terraplanagem e Pavimentação Ltda. In all, 567 jobs generated, 142 direct and 425 indirect. More than 119 inhabitants of the municipalities benefited.
