The awareness that every human action has an impact on the environment and society is the basis of our culture and business vision. Thus, the principles of environmental responsibility and appropriate monitoring of activities apply to every project.

Measurement of black smoke

We perform measurements to monitor atmospheric emissions produced by diesel-powered equipment in industry.

To do this, we use the Ringelmann scale method, the same method used to control exhaust emissions from bus and truck fleets in the state of São Paulo.

The Ringelmann scale has 5 colorimetric densities. The lower the measured density, the more suitable the vehicle is. The maximum density approved by the CETESB is 40%.

Our control of the fleet aims to always keep the values as low as possible, regardless of the inspection by the authorities, to ensure maximum suitability.

All Jaupavi equipment is subject to preventive maintenance and in the event of non-compliance, the equipment is removed from service and taken for maintenance.

Atmospheric emissions inspection is performed every two months and all information obtained is archived.

Approved suppliers

By controlling the entire chain, we try to ensure the protection of the environment. We are concerned about where our raw materials come from and whether our suppliers are also environmentally conscious. Therefore, before purchasing a material, our environmental department requests and analyzes all relevant documentation (operating permit (CETESB), legality certificate (IBAMA), AVCB (fire department), etc.). We only use materials from regulated suppliers and control the validity of the licenses.


Jaupavi is responsible for all waste generated in the company. We separate it properly by type and destination. For each waste that leaves the company, an MTR (Waste Transport Manifest) is prepared, indicating the type, physical condition, quantity, place where it was generated, transporter, destination and disposal of that waste.

Class I waste

Wastes that, because of their properties such as flammability, corrosivity, reactivity, toxicity and pathogenicity, may pose a risk to public health or have adverse effects on the environment.

For the disposal of Class I waste (hazardous waste), we have contracted with a company specialized in receiving this type of waste and licensed to do so. Moreover, we have a CADRI (CERTIFICATE OF MOVEMENT OF WASTE OF INTEREST – ENVIRONMENTAL) to be able to transport these wastes properly without polluting the environment.

Storage within the company is done in special drums or buckets used only for this type of waste, in isolated and properly labeled environments to avoid any incidents.

Class IIA waste

Class IIA wastes, or non-inert wastes, are those that exhibit properties such as biodegradability, combustibility or solubility on water . They are residues that are not flammable, corrosive, toxic, pathogenic or prone to chemical reaction. EX : organic waste from the food industry (food waste); glass fibers, etc.

For the disposal of class IIA waste, we first separate the recyclables from the residuals in drums, we give the recyclables to cooperatives and the residuals are disposed of in the landfill.

Class IIB waste

Inert residues, Class IIB, are those that retain their properties during the decomposition process. Some examples of wastes that fall into this category are: construction rubble, stones, sand, scrap iron. They are also inert: wood, styrofoam, rubber, aluminum and glass cans.

For the disposal of Class IIB waste, we have service providers who specialize in accepting such waste.

Environmental protection as a corporate culture

We always strive to promote dialogue with our employees to raise awareness of the importance of environmental protection both inside and outside the company.

Every week, we address a different topic related to environmental issues. At the beginning of the day, our work safety technicians receive a help text and promote a chat with the team on that topic.




Use de maneira consciente

Lei de Crimes Ambientais

Lei nº 9.605/1998


Separe o seu lixo corretamente

É mais simples do que você imagina!

Cuidados com a fauna silvestre

Ajude a preservar o meio ambiente


Poluição sonora

O cuidado com a audição é muito importante!

Utilização de produtos químicos e perigosos nas frentes de serviços

Jornal da Obra

Boletim Informativo n.12


Higiene e limpeza no canteiro de obras e frentes de serviços

Poluição do solo


Separação correta de resíduos

O sucesso da coleta seletiva e redução de lixo depende da participação de todos

Cuidado com animais na estrada

Dicas para evitar atropelamentos


Incêndios florestais

Incêndios destroem a vegetação, matam animais, colocam vidas em risco e causam sérios prejuízos financeiros

Kit de emergência ambiental

Saiba como utilizar


Uso consciente da água

Evite o desperdício

21/09 - Dia da Árvore

Tenha carinho com quem te gera oxigênio


Acidente zero

Prevenir acidentes é uma atitude diária

Separe seu lixo


Canteiro de obras

Organização e limpeza

Dia da Conscientização de Proteção às Florestas

Ajude a preservar


Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente

São as pequenas atitudes que podem mudar o mundo

Cuidados com a saúde no inverno

Tempo frio e seco exige atenção para evitar doenças respiratórias e de pele


Uso de lona e tela de proteção em caminhões

Animais silvestres


Cuidados com animais peçonhentos

Saiba como se proteger

15/04 - Dia da Conservação do Solo

Dicas importantes


22/03 - Dia Mundial da Água

Precisamos saber usar para não faltar

Ambiente de trabalho limpo e organizado

Por que manter?